Preston Drum

Preston Drum

Preston Drum

Painting, Installation, Interdisciplinary
In-person, Hybrid mentor (in-person and online)


At the core of my being, I am a maker. I make drawings, paintings and sculptures. I often assemble these objects to create installations. These environments employ the use of soundscapes and moving image, activating a pseudo-stage where the viewer can choose to become a part of a performance. Collaboration appears in observance of my world view created by a lifetime of playing in punk bands under the influence of the DYI ethos. While my work is tied to collaboration, it is often inspired by autobiographical events. This interaction provokes questions of how we define the author, the reader and the power dynamics between these roles. We all love stories, but we must be mindful of the context in which the story is being told and heard. My solo and collaborative work has been shown at The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Institute of Art and several other smaller venues you probably never heard of. When I’m not making or talking about art, I am the primary caretaker for my two young children and an avid gardener. I have taught at MCAD in various capacities since 2016 as well as several other colleges and universities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.


Collaboration a priority in my own art practice and my teaching practice. The possibilities contained in human connectivity is the reason why I make art and it’s also the reason I teach. The relationship between student and teacher is symbiotic one where the student (hopefully) learns from me and I (for sure) learn something from them.