Glitch is the Soul in the Machine

October 26, 2021
People Enjoying Mez Breeze - V[R]ignettes A Microstory Series Richard-Hoagland Embodied self other
People Enjoying Mez Breeze – V[R]ignettes A Microstory Series Richard-Hoagland Embodied self other

Written by Kay Heino ’23

I’m sure you’ve seen it if you’ve walked around MCADs main campus building at all in the past month. But in case you haven’t, let me explain this wonderful exhibit. The MCAD MFA Program brought Glitch is the Soul in the Machine, which is an international traveling exhibition, but luckily made it to our campus! It had a wide range of mediums including not limited to paintings, fiber and video. This show was so much fun, and had a little bit of everything for everyone. This futuristic exhibition had everything from large wall mounted artworks, to smaller sculptures on pedestals. Videos were on monitors in the hallway with sound, and others were in the theatre by the Media Center. This exhibition posed questions of what future exhibitions may look and feel like. Overall, this show was very well received by many, and I personally enjoyed seeing everything.

Artists include: Corrina Espinosa, Eugenio Tisselli, Karen Krolak, Marc Manke, GOODW.Y.N. (Nicole Goodwin), Maria Anholzer, Daito Manabe, Melissa Huang, Patrick Lichty, Paul Echeverria, Rebecca Finley, Ryan D. Lewis, Will Luers, Autumn Brown, Caitlin & Misha, Kathleen Hawkes, Kim Blevins, Matt Roberts, Rachel Green, Sue Huang, Susan Hopp, Yeohyun Ahn, Alessandro Amaducci, AndreĀ  Perim, APOTROPIA, Cecilia Suhr, Cher Cornett, Frederick Maheux, Jerry Galle, Jon Cates and Evan Meaney, Karin Denson, Kristen Lillvis,m Mark C. Marino and Rob Wittig, Mez Breeze, Richard Hoagland, Sabato Visconti, Teresa Ueunten

People Enjoying Marc Manke- Preparedness Series and Hunt, Hide, Hey! 2019

People Enjoying Marc Manke- Preparedness Series and Hunt, Hide, Hey! 2019

Karin Denson - California Brown Pelican NO.1 & NO.2

Karin Denson - California Brown Pelican NO.1 & NO.2

Glitch show Video

Glitch show Video

Kathleen Hawkes - May Day ( 2019 )

Kathleen Hawkes - May Day ( 2019 )

Rachel Green - Homage to Nike Atlas spun

Rachel Green - Homage to Nike Atlas spun

Person Enjoying Marc Manke's work

Person Enjoying Marc Manke's work

Daito Manabe video with audio

Daito Manabe video with audio